At the donor’s request for anonymity, we have swapped out names of the people in this story. We thank them both for their kindness and generosity.
This is Linda, she’s a senior citizen living in downtown Winnipeg, since the province has been under Code-Red-Lockdown, she hasn’t felt safe grocery shopping.
This is her neighbour Brad, since lockdown he’s been picking up Linda’s groceries. But no matter how much she tried, he refused to accept payment from her above the cost of the groceries themselves.
Not to be undone, Linda baked cookies and treats for Brad over the holidays, which he of course ate with much excitement. Every time Brad dropped off her groceries, he still refused to accept any payment for his troubles. One day, Linda asked him why he was being so kind to her?
Brad shared his story. When he was young, he was a Little Brother with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Winnipeg. His mentor was a friend, a supporter, and a constant light in his life. Thanks to his Big Brother, Brad still believes that it’s small acts of kindness that keeps the world going round.
Linda tried again; picking up groceries, driving around the city, not to mention your time, it all has a cost. Brad still refused to accept any payment for his trouble.
This afternoon, Linda donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Winnipeg to celebrate Brad’s kindness. Small acts of kindness are contagious, thank you to both Linda & Brad!