A Message From Our Interim Executive Director
To Our Littles, Bigs, Families and Staff
Dear friends
As the end of year draws near, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your dedication and hard work. This year has been an unprecedented challenge, but we often find our greatest successes in the most surprising places. I am inspired every day by the resilience of our Littles, who are at the centre of everything we do. I’m inspired by the parents and grandparents, who are an essential part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters family. And I’m inspired by the compassion of our volunteers, who make time in their busy lives to support our young people.
This year has been filled with a multitude of both challenges and victories. We celebrated a milestone anniversary, 50 years of Big Brothers Big Sister here in Winnipeg. We said farewell to Greg our former Executive Director who for years was at the heart or our organization, and welcomed many new staff who came with great energy and enthusiasm. This year looked unlike any before it, yet our organization carried on thanks to the passion and dedication of our staff. No matter what this year has presented, we have persevered together as a team and came out stronger.
As the end of year approaches, we know there will be many challenges ahead. Yet, I look ahead with enthusiasm and optimism for what 2021 has in store for us. Working together this past year has been a pleasure and I’m proud to have you all with us. Best wishes and happiness to you and your families over the festive season!
Jane Marion
Interim Executive Director