Our response to Covid-19



Big Brothers Big Sisters is a program devoted to strengthening our social fabric through the power of relationships. Our mandate is to resist social distance and prevent social isolation. Our response to the current pandemic has been deliberated and a decision has been reached.  This is not a situation we take lightly and understand it has emotional impact.

We have decided to temporarily pause all in-person programming starting immediately for a period of four weeks. There will be no in-person meetings, group programming, no drop in, and matches have been asked to cease in-person contact during this time. Matches have all been given suggestions for activities they can do while isolated, and we will continue to have telephone and written contact with our membership. We will continue to give information to new potential volunteers and families, and encourage applications, but we will not be booking in-person interviews for the isolation period. We know, first hand, the power of imagination and hope new strategies to stay connected over distance may strengthen other matches well into the future.

It is our greatest hope these extreme preventative measures may ‘flatten the curve,’ keep people well, and lead to the resumption of regular activity as quickly as possible. As individuals, we all feel a range of emotions pertaining to the isolation and pandemic itself. Connection is fundamental to our individual and community health and well-being. Yet sometimes, it is our very regard for one another that requires us to make difficult sacrifices for the benefit of the whole. We hope the generous acts of personal restraint, in this temporary period, will remind of us of our inherent need for connection in the long-term. After this is over, strong social relationships will continue to be a powerful buffer to the adversities we face. As we do our best to find creative, supportive, and encouraging ways to be in service to one another please know we are still here for you.